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منتدي متنوع وشامل

2 مشترك

    رموز رزيدنت ايفل 4

    همس جديد
    همس جديد

    عدد الرسائل : 6
    مكان الإقامه : القطيف
    تاريخ التسجيل : 06/05/2008

    رموز رزيدنت ايفل 4 Empty رموز رزيدنت ايفل 4

    مُساهمة من طرف ANGEL 06.05.08 17:42

    Extra ammunition
    Wait until you are low on ammunition before upgrading a gun. The replacement gun will always have a full clip, giving you extra bullets that otherwise may be difficult to find.
    Easy money
    Once you gain access to the tunnel with the merchant beyond Pueblo, return to the farm area and wait for the chickens there to lay eggs. Exit and re-enter to begin the same process over again. After you fill your inventory, you can return to the nearby merchant to sell your eggs. White chicken eggs sell for 300 Pesetas, brown eggs for 600 Pesetas, and golden eggs for 3,000 Pesetas.
    Quick money or more health
    If you mix a Green, Red, and Yellow Herb, you can sell it for a lot of money, or use it to restore health and increase the maximum health. Use it when you are low on health so that you do not waste the health recovery from it.
    Opening locks
    There are many locks on doors. Instead of shooting the locks and wasting ammunition, pull out your knife and cut it off. The same can be done for boxes
    Aim faster
    Use the D-pad and Analog-stick together to aim faster than normal.
    Avoid damage from traps
    To avoid getting hurt by traps such as explosives and bear traps, use your laser sight and shoot at the explosive or the middle of the trap.
    Valuable jewels
    When around the village stage, some trees will have bird nests. Shoot them down to get valuable jewels to sell to the merchant
    Crown Jewels
    Kill Salazar's "right hand" that you need to use the liquid nitrogen tanks on to receive the "Crown Jewels". which fit into the "Crown" treasure item. This is difficult; try using the Chicago Typewriter
    Sell the rocket launcher (special) to the merchant
    Note: This trick involves the infinite rocket launcher (successfully complete the game; costs 1 million Pesetas). When you fight Saddler and Ada throws you the rocket launcher (special), take it, but do not use it. When you can get a clear shot to his main eye, use the regular unlimited launcher. Saddler will be killed and the rocket launcher (special) will be yours to keep. When you start a new game, you can sell it to the merchant.
    Easy kills
    After you kill the hatchet guy as soon as you start the game, go upstairs to the window. Do not jump out. Instead, take out your pistol and shoot the glass out. Then, carefully aim for the villagers' heads that are awaiting outside. There are three of them. If you kill all three, you can jump out and avoid any damage.
    Killing large crowds with TMP
    Shoot out the legs of everyone, then unload on their heads while they are lying on their faces.
    Easy money in castle
    Look behind every painting of Saddler to find 5,000 Pesetas.
    Defeating the armored opponents
    Try not to get surrounded by them. Make sure they are in a group. Take out whatever rifle you have and shoot them all in the head until the snake thing appears. Wait until they are all like, then throw a flash grenade to kill all of them at once. This works well on all of them, and saves ammunition
    Defeating Del Lago (lake monster)
    When you start, Del Lago is towing you and heading toward the pieces of land in the middle. Steer to avoid them and harpoon him as soon as you can afterwards (before it lets go). Next, aim a harpoon and throw it at any sign of movement so that you will not be knocked off the boat. After awhile it will go away, then charge at the boat. Throw as many harpoons at it as possible before it reaches the boat. If you get knocked out, press X until you get back in. Repeat this process until the intermission sequence starts and Del Lago retreats.
    Defeating enemies on bridges
    If you are on a bridge and there are open areas, take out a weak gun. One shot will make them fall off the bridge. However, you will not get any items from them
    Defeating the Enemy Regenerator and Iron Maiden
    You do not need a special scope to kill them. Buy the Killer 7 Magnum and use it on them. After three or four shots, they will go down. Shoot it in the sheet until there is a hole. Then, shoot its head. After that, the body will explode then the legs will fall over and leave 5,000 gold. Additionally, another way to kill the Regenerator creatures is to shoot their head or chest with the shotgun. Then, blast a leg away; it will fall on the ground. Then, take out an incinerator grenade (the red ones) and throw it at them. If done correctly, he will burn on the ground and die
    Defeating flying insects
    If you are able to hit the flying insect enemies in the cave area while they are airborne, they will die in just one hit. Any weapon works, though the shotgun is recommended. This will help conserve your ammunition. If they manage to land, you will use about three to four shogun rounds from a Stock Striker (firepower 6.0).
    همس الشوق
    همس الشوق
    مؤسس المنتدى
    مؤسس المنتدى

    عدد الرسائل : 235
    مكان الإقامه : السعودية
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/08/2007

    رموز رزيدنت ايفل 4 Empty رد: رموز رزيدنت ايفل 4

    مُساهمة من طرف همس الشوق 07.05.08 16:42

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